Argentina 5 Pesos, 2003 ND, P-353a.4z, Replacement

Argentina 5 Pesos, 2003 ND, P-353a.4z, Replacement
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Issued by: Banco Central de la República Argentina

Date: ND (2003)

Type: Banknote

Material: Paper

Size: 155 x 65 mm

Security Thread: No security thread

Watermark: José de San Martín and electrotype JSM



Mercedes Marco del Pont
Julio Cobos
Other Details: Red vertical serial # at left; ascending size serial # at right, replacement

Green, purple, and yellow

Front: Pedro Subercaseaux’s painting, “Abrazo
de Maipú,” depicting San Martín hugging Bernardo O’Higgins on horseback; José de San Martín wearing military uniform; San Martín’s will

Reverse: memorial monument to the Army of the Andes on Cerro de la Gloria (Glory Hill) in Mendoza; Order of the Liberator General San Martín medal; coat of arms

Donated by Colnect.com


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