Russia 5,000 Rubles, 2023, P-279A

Russia 5,000 Rubles, 2023, P-279A
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Issued by: Bank Rossii

Date: 2023

Type: Banknote

Material: Paper

Size: 157 x 69 mm

Security Thread: 5.5-mm wide winged windowed holographic security thread with demetalized 5000 CBRF 

Watermark: Buildings and electrotype 5000 

Printer: Goznak

Signatures: None

Red, orange, brown, blue, and purple

Front: Bank seal; skyline of Ekaterinburg; Europe-Asia stele in Ekaterinburg; stylized skyline and circle in golden-crimson to golden-green OVI; unknown building; QR-code  

Reverse: Steel foundry; Tale of the Urals statue in Chelyabinsk; pine trees; Urals Federal District map; oil pump jacks and tower


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